IconEdit (beta) is a freeware Icon creator/editor for Nokia Communicators 9200/9300/9500. It was written in OPL (source code is available on request - drop me an email if you want to have it)
For IconEdit to run, you need the latest OPL runtime for your Communicator installed, which you can download at http://opl-dev.sourceforge.net/. For your convenience, the latest OPL runtimes for Nokia 9200 and Nokia 9500 are included in the ZIP file.
IconEdit can create icons for Crystal (Communicator) and Quartz (P800/900). If you select 'New' from the 'File' menu you are prompted which kind of icon to create.
IconEdit supports all major drawing functions (pixel, line, box, circle/ellipse, text), as well as the normal clipboard functions (copy, paste also to and from files).
By pressing the Help-Command button or the Help-key, context sensitive help about the current selected function is displayed.
When you save an icon, two files are being saved: one file contains the IconEdit project (no extension), the other file contains the created icons (extension .ico).
The .ico file is an MBM-file with four icons in it (large and small, icon and mask). To use this icon in your project, specify the name between the APP .. ENDA construct in your OPL application, eg.
APP IconEdit,KUIDApplication&
ICON "IconEdit.ico" REM this is the .ico file generated by IconEdit.
This is a beta version of IconEdit. That means that it's not completely finished yet and some parts haven't been tested very thoroughly. The application is pretty stable though, but I cannot guarantee you will not find any problems or errors.
Beta-software also means: you use it at your own risk. The author (me) is in no case responsible for any loss of anything whatsoever on your Communicator, even if it can be proven that it's due to the use of IconEdit (which is pretty unlikely anyhow, but you'll never know).
Anyway, if you find any errors, have suggestions for improvement or simply want to let me know how much you like this program, please let me know by sending me an e-mail at the address below.
IconEdit has been developed and tested on a Nokia 9210i. I'm hoping it will run without problems on the 9500, but I'm not sure it will, since I cannot test this myself.
You can download IconEdit 0.9 beta here
Arjen Broeze
arjen dot broeze at gmail dot com