February 13, 2003
Open For Browsing
After a few near misses (and somehow pulling down All About Symbian in the process), Ewan's Musings is here.
Not that I'm going to be fanatical in doing updates and stuff, but there you go. I'll put up tomorrow what's likely to be talked about here, and (more importantly) what won't be covered.
Posted by Ewan at February 13, 2003 12:38 AM
Nice place you got here. :D
We shall just have to see what happens with it Jyrik - really it's being tested at the moment, so nothing announced yet. Sssh..
Mind you, hacking the fornt pahge of AAS with it didn't help.
Yeah, that didnt help much in keeping secrets :D
But I really like the idea of this. It brings a whole new side to AAS
Blogs are sometimes really great reads, and I have high confidence that this will too ;)
Aww shucks, ta.