Eilidh's up to 13lb 15oz. Vikki's taken her to the clinic, and here's what happened.
From Vikki
After Eilidh's last weigh-in three weeks ago and the completely unhelpful health visitor who frightened me by saying how dangerously underweight Eilidh was, I plucked up the courage to go back today to have her weighed. I was feeling quite confident about it though, she's just had a huge growth spurt and her 3-6 month trousers are suddenly 2" too short! In three weeks she's gained a fantastic 15oz which takes her to 13lb 15oz and she's jumped a centile too, to between the 2nd and 9th. I saw the regular health visitor today, and she was delighted with how well Eilidh's doing.
We talked about her feeds, and for once she agreed with everything I'm doing and didn't tell me to change anything (although knowing health visitors, that maybe isn't a good thing!). I got vitamin drops for her, although the health visitor said she probably doesn't need them because I'm giving her such a variety of foods. We talked about giving her fish, because I was concerned she might be missing out on vital things because I'm not giving her wheat, dairy or meat yet. I'm going to try her on egg next week though.
So anyway, things are going really well. I've got the rest of the photos from Christmas moved onto the PC but they're not on her website yet. Hopefully I'll do that over the next few days.