There are a fair few Blogs and News sites carrying information about the Symbian Dev Expo - but I hope you're not expecting one here! The reasons for this is twofold.
Firstly any information is going to be carried in All About Symbian and Your Symbian, so you'll just have to browse and subscribe from those sites to see what I thought.
The second reason is that Rafe, Jordan, Robin and Myself (the core of All About Symbian in some respects) have got a huge amount of follow ups to do. Not only have we got some nice letters and emails to send to companies, but seeing as this was the first time the four of us had 'met in the flesh' there's been a rush on forward planning for the Symbian Sites we all help each other with. Expect new things in the next few weeks and months...
But if you have stumbled into here and I met you at the Dev Expo (I was the one in the kilt) then thank you for helping us have a great time, and please feel free to say hi!
Posted by Ewan at May 4, 2003 06:58 PM