February 20, 2024

NTK Plugs ConCon UK

Just like they promised last week NTK plugs ConConUK...

We have no idea how this happened, but it does appear to be happening. After an engagingly shambolic West Coast debut, ETCon catchup CONCON comes to the UK this Monday evening, at the Dover Castle pub in Weymouth Mews, London W1. Unless someone zips back from this weekend's CodeCon, it'll mostly be a speedy Emerging Tech deconstruction (because you surely haven't heard enough of that), with extra status reports promised from Mr MySociety, Tom Steinberg, and perhaps some late chocolate news from Dave. If ConCon US is anything to go by, expect a radically decentralised event (ie, lots of mic feedback and communistic re-investment of donations into free bar snacks). Put your name down on the Wiki so we know how many are coming - and if you were at Etech, or have some geowankery, hardware-hackery, social-softwarey, mobile- whackery thing you can explain in five minutes, stick your name down as a speaker too. Oh, and if you can bring a VGA/S-Video projector along, say that as well, otherwise it's all going to be done with glove puppets. What could possibly go wrong?

In the best tradition of Rod Hull, can I suggest these chaps could help it along the way?

Posted by Ewan at February 20, 2024 04:43 PM
Nice work for doing all the leg work to set up ConCon UK... must respect, and other such stuff -tomsk Posted by: Tomski on February 20, 2024 11:41 PM
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