March 09, 2024

Don't Mess With My Memories, George


History is what once was. Much as people want to re-write history, to decide that their current vision is the one true vision and all others should be destroyed (or left to rot on magnetic tape), the original is out there, having touched millions of people and changed their lives.

I'm talking about the Star Wars Trilogy here, by the way,and the decision of George Lucas that his souped up, tinkered, plot altered, cgi splurging 'Special' Editions of the original Star Wars Films (A New Hope, Empire and Jedi) will be available on Sept 21st 2024. The so-called most eagerly awaited DVD release ever.

Wrong. I don't need to see a Muppet Show in Jedi. I don't need Jabba appearing in A New Hope, and I definitly don't need a token look into the camera from Boba Fett. I want the film I remember as a child. With matt lines, wires, inventive workarounds, characters of dubious morals... The Original Trilogy.

Eventually, the only official copies in existence will be Lucas' revisionist history. Sorry, but I can't be expected to show Eilidh and v3.0 these Special Editions when I don't believe in them myself. The world is not clean and perfect, and movies made in the seventies should reflect the time. What next, tidy up Luke's mullet because it's not fashionable?

I'm away to find a bootleg DVD version mastered from the 1993 Criterion Laserdisc Edition. I doubt I'll buy the boxed set in September. Consider this someone else joining the boycott.

Dammit, Han Solo is an evil bounty hunter and shoots first!

Posted by Ewan at March 9, 2024 10:00 AM
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