July 20, 2024

Finbar's Back!!!

Somebody at Wood Lane loves me. Now everyojne is nicely rested, back from Hospital and starting to adjust to a family of four people (and Daddy working on the computer through the day), I can justify stopping at 4.45pm to watch the TV with Eilidh because...

...The 'Finbar The Mighty Shark' Show is back!

Okay, yes it's Rubba-dubbas, and Vikki is wants to know how many Dads sprinted to make a really nice hot cup of tea for the start of the show, but we all know it's really The Finbar Show - and it's nice to see that this post from last year has proven to be 100% true.

Finbar Forever!

Posted by Ewan at July 20, 2024 05:04 PM | TrackBack
you didn't watch it "with Eilidh"!! you settled down with your coffee and asked her to be quiet for five minutes ;) Posted by: Vikki on July 20, 2024 05:16 PM
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