...so I'm expecting a few cancellations, people turning up out the blue, and a surprise from the media. Let's take those one at a time, after a quick recap of what you actually should be doing during the day.
Basically, make sure you have a notebook with you, and note the time you pass through each station. If you can grab the number of the Tube Train, so much the better. Some subtle pics (maybe on some nice camera phones) might be nice as well. If you are walking or busing between stations at any point, then you should note that as well. A stopwatch might be handy as well. Once you've finished, head up to Great Portland Street, and make your way to the Horse and Groom Pub, at 128 Great Portland Street. If you're not running, but just meeting us afterward, we'll be upstairs. It's not a booked room (nowhere would give us a Friday evening booking) but we should be there early enough to claim most of the seats.
Most folk are turning up slightly early, roughly noon, at Vauxhall. We should be easy to find. Unfortunatly, Suw and Imajes aren't able to make it down, so I think Tom Reynolds is running on his own or looking for a new friend, while Suw's departure means I'm one down in my team. Well I was till I found a substitute who would be joining us. So everyone be really nice to Nick from BBC London. He's decided that following a Scotsman who helped organise a race around the london Undergrouns would make a good item for BBC London. Let's hope he and his camera can keep up.
Which means, style guru that I am, that I'm ditching the planned lightweight running shorts, and instead donning full highland battle dress of kilt, short and massive woollen waistcoat. Lovely...
Posted by Ewan at July 29, 2024 09:50 PM | TrackBack