Fun-1 Breaks Its July Target

Fun-1, Jim and I's "Stop Flooding #mobitopia with this Formula 1 Crap!" website is gather pace on the internet at a fantastic rate. We set a rather high target for the number of readers we wanted in July - that was 5,000 unique readers for the month. The final count is now in, and we're delighted with our 5024 readers. So what's the plan for August? Well I recon 7,000, Jim thinks 6,000, so we've split the difference and are now declaring the Fun-1 August Target is 6,500 unique readers. Given that there's now a three week gap til the next Grand Prix, and it's the snore-fest Hungaroring, we could have to rely on news from testing. Oh, hold on, there's a testing ban on just now as well. Hmmm... time to be creative.


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