June 24, 2003

Where's The Mobile Internet?

Personal Thoughts and Messages
So my smartphone is the internet in my pocket? I'm not so sure. Although I can finally pick up my email, and browse through a slowly increasing number of WAP sites (both of which are incredibly useful), it's still a long way from the internet. "Hold on you can put...

June 19, 2003

More Than (Sirius) Black

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Has anyone else been wondering what's happened to David St Hubbins in the last year? I haven't. I'm almost certain that he's behind the massive media promotion of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." What do we know about this book. Well, it's big, the Post Office don;t...

June 16, 2003

Support Your Local Bookshop

Personal Thoughts and Messages
The biggest book of all time (okay, ignoring the Holy Books, all the Religions and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence) goes on sale this weekend. Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix is going to be everywhere, with evry major store and supermarket offering the best price...

June 05, 2003

Eilidh's Visit to the Health Visitors

Vikki writes... Took Eilidh to be weighed yestderday, four weeks after the last time. I wasn't expecting much, after gaining 1lb 5oz then, and 1lb 5oz in the three weeks before that, but I was pleasantly surprised! The little gannet has gained 1lb 9oz in the last four weeks! I...