March 31, 2024

It's Not Really Been Quiet

Personal Thoughts and Messages
No there's not been too many posts here, but a quick round up of what I've been up to means you too can keep up with the projects I try to manage. Posted a feature article on Gaming Headlines about the Nokia N-Gage and ARPU. Set up and started posting...

March 28, 2024

Wap Template Link Love

Pocket Computers and Phones
I've made quite a few contributions to Mobile Whack, but this one seems to be getting a huge number of hits. It's my guide (on Symbian Diaries) on creating a WAP version of your Moveable Type Blog through the templates system....

March 26, 2024

Everything's Fine Now, How Are You?

Quote For The Day
There are times you really hat the London Underground and the tinny voices apologosing for something that's not their fault. But this morning, the Victoria Line driver came out with a classic tannoy: "This is your driver speaking. If you can find a seat, you'd better sit down. I've just...

March 24, 2024

Strange Sights At Etech Reloaded

O'Reilly Etech Conference
I've been racking my brains over this blog post ever since Bloglines picked it up for me (come on, who else has an RSS Search Criteria on their name). I think it was the Irish couple next to me during Dan Gilmour's talk, but I'm not 100% sure. It's the...

March 23, 2024

Bernard Black, of Black Books:

Quote For The Day
Don't ask questions. Just clean this place up... It's a disgrace! Boil my eye-bath. And polish the stair rug. Delouse the duvet. Tumble dry our doilies. Hoover the roof. And whistle down the chimmnies....

How's Gabhach Getting On?

From VikkiSaw the consultant today (routine appointment) and we had a brief discussion about the birth. Everything's fine just now, but he's booked another scan for me at 34 weeks (June 14th) to check the size of the baby. I'll then see him the following week to make the final...

March 22, 2024

Gaming Headlines Now On-Line

Pocket Computers and Phones
Launched today is a new website all about gaming on modern platforms (Playstation, Nintendo, XBox). Gaming Headlines ( is the site, and I've been asked to watch over the Nokia N-Gage section - plus keep a watchful eye on developments on the Nitendo Dual Screen Gameboy. Why not have...

Hero With A Thousand Faces Chapter Ten Posted

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Thank you, Lori! That's me busy reading for the rest of the evening. HWATF Chapter 10 is here....

March 18, 2024

Symbian Diaries Back End Changes

After some tinkering over the last 24 hours, the Symbian Diaries system as a whole has had some new featres added. I talk about them on the main site....

Vikki and Eilidh are Home

From Vikki: Got back from visiting my dad in Fuerteventura late last night. I only had my phone camera and the video camera with me, so there's not many pictures for her website. I took about 20 though, and they're here. Eilidh's going to be a real handful over the...

March 17, 2024

The Emerging Technology like Conference Being Hosted in The UK Over One Day In June Conference

UK Technology Conference
If the country was run by Sir Humphrey, last night saw the steering committe of the "Emerging Technology like Conference Being Hosted in The UK Over One Day In June Conference" meet up to discuss planning the event. On the Agenda was the location, dates, speakers, insurance, and the thorny...

March 16, 2024

Symbian WebRing In Place

Pocket Computers and Phones
Now why hasn't anybody thought of this one before? The Psion Series 3 and Series 5 both had strong WebRings, and hopefully the Symbian WebRing started last night on All About Symbian will become just as useful. If you'd like to join the ring, you can find more details here,...

March 15, 2024

Vexed UIQ is Coming

Pocket Computers and Phones
Here's a sneak preview screenshot or two of Vexed running under UIQ. There's just one or two things I want to do before releasing this to the public. Firstly, I need to tweak the menu system a little bit, as UIQ currently needs a bit of a hack to...

March 12, 2024

Infinte Improbablilty Goosebumps

Quote For The Day
Pictures from the Mars Spirit Probe. Someone had the bright idea of pointing the camera at the Earth and taking a picture of... well.. everyone. That tiny point of light holds everyone, everything, all the religions, your friends, your family, and there is nowhere else to go if we can't...

March 11, 2024

Some OPL Notes

But not here - over at the OPL Diary ( One article looks at how OPL for UIQ has been progressing over the last week or two, and the second (written by Steve Litchfield) looks at the conversion process of OPL apps onto UIQ, and some of his thoughts on...

March 10, 2024

Betamax vs Ipod - Why MiniDisc Is The Winner

Pocket Computers and Phones
2002 was the last year Sony Betamax videos were made. And I bet you thought that Betamax died out in the early eighties? Naw, you fell for the marketing of VHS being superior. If it was so superior then why do Broadcasters and Cameramen still swear by Betamax (they...

March 09, 2024

Don't Mess With My Memories, George

Personal Thoughts and Messages
History is what once was. Much as people want to re-write history, to decide that their current vision is the one true vision and all others should be destroyed (or left to rot on magnetic tape), the original is out there, having touched millions of people and changed their...

March 08, 2024

Radio Izzyhack

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Russ pointed out ShoutCast over on his Blog, and pretty much destroyed the few hours I had left yesterday evening. Not by browsing all the Internet Radio Stations that Shoutcast picks up (it's a plug-in for Winamp, the old warhorse, that allows you to listen to streamed internet 'Radio' stations)....

March 07, 2024

Event Core for UIQ Released

Just posted the UIQ Event Core up to FreEPOC. It's an 'empty' application for OPL, showing you how to do everythin properly and providing a good place to start OPL coding. And if you just want to see some OPL code doing more than Hello World, open the zip file...

March 06, 2024

Lego Photoshopping

Vikki's been busy with the photo shopping, to make a 'more appropriate Lego Avatar' for the site. The result? Look up on the top right!...

March 05, 2024

Disturbing Harry Potter News

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Read in Metro this morning: JK Hints At An 'Adult' HarryThe seventh Harry Potter book may not be the last we hear of the boy wizard, JK rowling hinted yesterday. During a web chat with 16,000 fans to mark World Book Day, the writer said she might write another book...

March 03, 2024

20 Week Scan

So - the important stuff.. Everything's perfect, the baby's measuring between 21+1 and 21+5, which is about a week ahead of my dates, but they said it doesn't affect my due date. And there were two sonographers there when we asked about the sex and they both answered at...

March 02, 2024

O'Reilly - Highlights (Part the Third)

O'Reilly Etech Conference
And after the welcome distraction of ConConUK and OPL, let's get back to looking at some more of the memorable sessions (for me) at O'Reilly's Emerging Technology Conference 2024 (sometimes called Etcon, sometimes called Etech, always mentioned on IRC...)...