March 31, 2005

Little Doctor Who Casting Script

Quote For The Day
Picture the scene, early 2024, as Lou and Andy are coming out of the final casting call for the return of Doctor Who. Lou: So you're happy with Christopher Ecclestone then as the new Doctor. Andy: Yeah. Lou:He's absolutely perfect. Just what we all want. Andy: Yeah, I know....

March 25, 2005

Let's Get Ready To Rock!!!

It's Friday, it must be time for... The Rock Show! Yep, my final podcast 'show' for the moment (alongside production and hosting of The Mobiles Show and co-hosting The Movies Show). Podsafe music in a 30 minute MP3 show, full of the best undiscovered, unsigned and unknown bands in the...

March 24, 2005

ETech Podcast Part One

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Posted on the brand spanking new Tech Conference Podcast Channel, The Podcast Network is carrying the first of four Podcasts (mp3 recordings) from Etech 2005. First up is a big 'interview' show with the movers and shakers of Etech. Pop over, have a listen, and let me know what you...

March 22, 2005

Home Again - Time To Plan For Palmsource Dev Con

Pocket Computers and Phones
Etech is definitly over, I'm at home, waiting to see just how bad Eastbound jetlag is going to hit me this time. Up next (at least in terms of travelling) is going to be the Palmsource Developer Conference in San Joes at the end of MP3. Here comes the banner......

March 18, 2005

ETech 2005 - Snap Summary

O'Reilly Etech Conference
And it's all over for another year. Emerging Technology is a strange type of conference. I've found it more tiring than the Symbian Expo's and 3GSM's of this world, even though they've all involved a fair amount of walking around the floor, or travelling time. I think it's the sheer...

March 14, 2005

Breakfast and Terror

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Nothing in America that I've found says more to me that 'you're somewhere else' than the breakfast / café chain that is Denny's. Sure there's a bundle of funny moey where all the notes are the same size, and the same color, (but they have different faces, and tiny numbers...

March 12, 2005

Off We Go, Into The Wild Blue Yonder

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Here we go, off to O'Reilly's Emerging Technology again. Slightly different mindset this time as (a) I'm not speaking this time and (b) the OPL Book's print run means I can’t sneak a few Wiley books into an O'Reilly event. Shame really. But the value of the people I can...

March 11, 2005

I've Been Interviewed on "The Podcasting Networking"

Recorded way back in February, Mick and Cameron interviewed me just before The Podcast Network went live. The one hour 'On the Pod' interview in MP3 can be found here for you to download. It's a 20mb download, and others will probably say it's worth it. Me? Not sure yet...

March 08, 2005

Sony Network Walkmans

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Oooh, quick, jump over to Jurgens post on Infosync for a look at the new Sony MP3/ATRAC flash players. And they're aimed squarely at taking on the Ipod Mini's and Shuffles... Perhaps there's a chance her for a specialist blog to get the Google juice and ithe interest on ATRAC...

Sony Minidisc and Podcasting

Yeah I'm the Cassandra who shouts MiniDisc isn't dead, it's just misunderstood. And in the last few weeks as I put in place things with TPN, and listening to podcasts from around the globe, I've found (unsurprisingly, with hindsight) that the whole MiniDisc system is almost perfect for Podcasting -...

March 05, 2005

The Mobiles Podcast Show #02 is Posted

The second "Mobiles Show," a podcast of Mobile Phone issues, is now online over on The Podcast Network. This show is the first of three or four shows from material Rafe and I recorded between us on the TGV down and home again, plus interviews of some of the big...

March 02, 2005

Vikki Decides What To Do With The Girls

This jsut came over MSN from Vikki... Vikki Says:just been having a comversation about marksmanship etc.Vikki says:Can't wait till the girls are older and we can take them out with the air rifle.Vikki says:that came out wrong!...