April 30, 2005

My Nick Frost (Spaced, Shaun of the Dead) Interview

Along with Suw Charman and (briefly) Cameron Reilly, I interviewed Nick Frost a few days ago for The Movies Show on The Podcast Network. It's a damm good interview, and even though it's been through more filters than some cheap coffee to get the final result 'broadcastable' it's well worth...

April 15, 2005

RJMobile.com Launch Party... Alfie's Moblogging It.

Personal Thoughts and Messages
His name is Ron Jeremy and he's been in more movies than [name any actor] has had hot dinners. Admittedly they're not the sort of movies you'd show your parents - but Alfie has managed to score some invites to the launch party of his new website www.rjmobile.com. So I'm...

April 03, 2005

See More Evil, Hear More Evil, Podcast More Evil

Just to keep you up to speed, the second Rock Show over at TPN (The Podcast Network) is poster. Another 30 minutes of unknown Rock bands for your listening pleasure. For the feedback so far, sounds like you're all enjoying ADD's 'Maybe' (which is the fifth track in the MP3...