November 11, 2003

Co-codamol Side Effects

The following is a warning on the Co-codamol tablets I got from the hospital yesterday. I can't help but feel they are covering their bases, so if someone suffers from something whilst using it they can say "Well we did say on leaflets Side Effects section". Anyway here it goes:-

Like many medicines Co-codamol Tablets BP 30/500 may cause side-effects in some patients when you first start taking them. The side-effects that some patients have had with similar products are feeling sick or being sick, constipation, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, giddiness, excitement, difficulty in passing water, dry mouth, sweating, facial flushing, slow heart rate, palpitations, feeling faint on standing up, low body temperature, restlessness, mood changes, hallucinations, pinpoint pupils, pressure on the brain, skin rashes, or allergic, kidney damage and blood disorders.
If you have to take these tablets for a long time it is possible that you could become dependent on them and have withdrawal symptoms when you stop. This can also happen to babies born to mothers who have been given Co-codamol during pregnancy.
If you experience any other side-effects or feel that the medicineif affecting you badly, tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Comments Closed:- The Reason I Posted This Article Was Because I Was Amused By The Side Effects, But Now Seems This Is Becoming A Medical Discussion. Please Use One Of The Many Medical Web-sites Or Consult Your GP If You Have Any Queries Regarding Co-codamol!

Posted by Gadget17 at November 11, 2003 10:14 PM
I have been taking co-codamol dispersible for many years and I think I have become dependant on then. I am in the UK and our local health authority has stopped prescribing them, however they can be bought over the counter....which I do. I have Addisons disease and Essential Thrombocythemia. Am i harming myself by taking co codamol? These tend to be my only form of pain relief. I have tramadol, codeine phospate neither of which i take. Thank you Meg Posted by: Meg Blythe at November 15, 2003 03:04 AM
Quote:- Meg "Am i harming myself by taking co codamol?". Please note I am no medical authority and was just posting the side effects as I was amused by how many there were. I would recommend discussing this with you GP, as I do not want to discourage you from taking them if they are you only form of pain relief. Regards! Posted by: Gadget17 at November 18, 2003 05:06 PM
how many can you take in 12 hours. if any more than eight are taken in say 5 hours would it cause harm Posted by: Mark at January 16, 2024 02:07 PM
I have just come off 30/500 co-codamol, and I thought I was dying it was terrible, I was only on them for a week, and one a night, I couldn't get out of bed was sweating freezing shivering, being sick, it was terrible, never again Posted by: caroline at February 19, 2024 02:19 PM
Recently my mother in law had a knee op and was given co-codamol for pain relief. She suffered from hallucinations for 48 hours until she was taken off this medication. Her doctor stated that it is not unknown for elderly people to have this reaction to co-codamol and then prescribed paracetamol only. Be aware of this possibility!! Posted by: Steve at February 20, 2024 09:57 PM
I have just been prescribed Co-Coamol 30/500 for my back. I was in agony. I am able to stand but am glad I looked here, they make me feel very sick and i have terrible sweats too. If I turn down the heating I am cold. I am going to my GP to mind I do not get addicted, as when I have cut down the dosage my back is painful. Thanks for info. Posted by: Katz at February 22, 2024 06:22 PM
My father (age 76) has been suffering severe "post shingles" pain for about 7 weeks. He has been on 30/500 Co-codimol, (and Epimaz100mg) and has felt very ill throughout. Latterly, we suspect that his problems may have been caused more by the drug than by the post herpatic neuralgia! Aprt from severe pain, he has had hallucinations and nausea. Four days ago, his GP discontinued the Co-Codimol, and my father felt better almost immediately - able to leave the house for the first time in almost two months. Improvement continued until this morning, when he suffered several alarming episodes of "cold and hot" sweats, without feeling faint. It appears that the medication is addictive and, although my father shows no signs of addiction as such, it does look as though he has suffered quite severe withdrawal symptoms. Posted by: Iain McDonald at February 28, 2024 11:45 AM
I am epileptic and take co-codamol for head aches but only occasionally my specialist tells me that these are the reason for my head aches and I am to stop taking painkillers full stop is this right can they make the symptoms worse ? Posted by: TJ at February 28, 2024 03:51 PM
well i had a sore head and they were great Posted by: james brown at March 10, 2024 11:08 AM
I was prescribed by my GP co-codamol for severe back ache yesterday I took two tablets (last night) and two this morning at 9.00 by 9.40 the room was spinning and I had blurred vision. I apparently made two work phone calls but have only a vague memory of doing this. I will not be taking them again and I will only consider seeing my oestopath for my back from now on. Given the comments from others on this site is this drug doing more harm than good? Posted by: F.Brooks at April 2, 2024 11:56 AM