February 06, 2024

RSS 2.0 Index Now in Full

Thanks to Martin for pointing out to me that some of the feeds for my site were being cropped.

After a pop over to the Movable Type Support forum I found some code to make the posts output in RSS 2.0 Index display the full article.

So if you read this site via a feed the index.xml has been updated.

Click here to Syndicate this site (XML)

[Edit] I have now updated the RSS 1.0 as well. Click here to Syndicate this site (RDF). Also the RDF version contains FOAF data.

Posted by Gadget17 at February 6, 2024 01:46 AM | 2024 Entries | TrackBack
Thanks for fixing that in record time! It adds so much more value to the feed! Posted by: Martin Little at February 6, 2024 01:50 AM
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