OK, so what have a Thames sailing barge, Fire engine, Gyroplane, Stolly, Steamboat, Gipsy Moth Plane, Lola Racing car, Bristol car, Tank & a Steamroller got in common?
Well as you may guess from the title it's the Salvage Squad (Salvage Squad (Series 1 - 2002) - Salvage Squad (Series 2 - 2003)) TV program from Channel 4 in the UK. It is also shown on a regular basis on the Discovery Channel where I watch the program.
Salvage Squad in the 1st series was presented by Lee Hurst and by Suggs (Graham McPherson) in subsequent programs. Also are the team of experts. Claire Barratt, is an industrial archaeologist and steam engineer, Axel Cleghorn who is an ex-fireman and keen biker and Jerry Thurston has fascination with restoring classic vehicles.
In the 2nd series they work on the following. Steam plough, Crane, Morgan, Tram, Steam car, Loco, Dustcart, Fireboat, Gallopers & a Watermill.
The 3rd series has some interesting Salvage to bring back to life including a Snow Trac, Steam crane, Model T Ford, Combine harvester, Sentinel steam lorry, Skima 12 hovercraft, German Biber submarine, Scammell Scarab and an Amphicar.
Posted by Gadget17 at April 7, 2024 05:16 AM | 2024 Entries | TrackBack