September 16, 2005

To Blog or Not to Blog

OK, so I am falling into the trap that most blogs gets to. In that I mean to write in to on a regular basis, but other things happen and I completely forget to.

To correct this I guess I have to To Blog! But before posting this today I have a Major Blog tidy up. This includes deleting some out of date entries and some I didn't think should stay anyway. Also I have gone "Back to Basics". The blogs templates and stylesheets have been reloaded from MT website and ones not on their site deleted. Then only minor revisions added.

This will hopefully help when adding a feed to my other site at

Google have recently launched a BlogSearch tool. If you want to search blogs you can use To search my Blog use Gadget17 on Google Blogsearch

So hopefully more blogging comming back here soon! And some more tonight!

Posted by Gadget17 at September 16, 2005 01:03 AM | TrackBack