A short entry.
I've been trying to change the look of my blog with no sucess.
I really hate this orange look and i wanted to try out Plain Jane(its one of the default styles)
I paste the content of Plain Jane in The Stylesheet templamate right? the file is called styles-site.css,right,or wrong?
I was geting ready for a little shower relax session,you know,undressing,i do take showers in the nude you know when i noticed Angelina Jolie staring it me,i was really scared,you should have seen the look in her eyes.Fortunately(Or maybe not) she was on the cover of a fashion magazine i had left in the bathroom.Talk about taking a load off.
In the meantime i started learning some OPL(I'm colecting the money for a descent Series 60 C++ book too),Ewan's tutorials are awesome,fun and simple,if all programing books/tutorials were writen like that 90% of Earth's population would be programers.
Captain's Log, Stardate 21050.3:I have been really bored lately,so e decided to do some learning.
I'm thinking of passing some exams so i can stop beeing a student,not that it has been a long time,i'm in the final year of my studies and the final year is fourth,not third not fifth.
Also i'm planing of learning some C++ so i can contribute something to the Symbian community sometime,well,it wont be soon,because i'm not familiar with OOP technics,just some PASCAl and C,so wish me luck.
I talked to Jizzo/Jordan on irc and hes is geting an Ipaq,oh yes,you heard me right,he is planing to sell his 9210i so he can get an MS powered shiny Ipaq,he owns a p800 too.
Well,i would've goten one if i was a filthy rich brit!!! :)
If some of you filthy rich brits are reading this and has some extra cash and doesn't know what to do with it please feel free to mail me :)
J2k said that he is selling a p800 for 250ish pounds.I wish i had the money so i can buy it,maybe i'll convice him to sell it to me for 30 pounds a month for ten months :) Or maybe,i should wait ten months and buy a new one sim free for the same price or even less!!! :)
My brother just got his dreads finished,he is looking like a runaway from home bush with psychological problems.
BTW,i'm browsing the net on a 33600 acorp modem,next time,i might even go to 14400.
Thats what i call HI-TECH!!
Just a copuple of minutes before my italian classes(You should see the girls that attend them :D )
I have just finished reading issue 4 of Your Symbian and i really enjoyed reading all of the articles(slurp) and especially Switchblade's Backstop(slurp).
He had a point there about Nokia not releasing the long awaited communicator succesor.
After reading "Why smartphones will rule" on Rafe's blog i did a little thinking(higly improbable,really).
Not enough news on the subject really,except some code names(Hilden) and some forum vapourware talk.
Not typical for Nokia if you ask me.
Could they have stopped its developement,if there was any?
Someone will ask,what are Nokia's reasons for doing so?well,you could find some in Rafe's article i mentioned before,Why smartphones will rule.
I will state only one: Sales.
If my memory serves me right,the 9210,9210i/9290 didn't sell quite as Nokia planed.
So why would they bother when they have Series 60 infecting the mobile community like mad.
I'm probably dead wrong and i wish i am because i still didn't get over that QWERTY keyboard and that big screen but that will not stop me from publishing this :)
My dream device:Series 60 UI,Hardware strong as the p800(The CPU,Bluetooth,SD slot maybe,you know,the works!)the QWERTY keyboard and the big 92XX screen,touch if you please.
If only i can figure out how to change the layout :D
I'm really to lazy to start learning html and css.
Captain's Log, Stardate 11050.3:I made peace with a small but extremely dangerous space monster that apparently has been present for 18 years now by offering him with some food i cooked and coke,strangely enough,the monster is a striking resemblance to my little brother :) Then i tried to brake my all time record in doing nothing for a large period of time.This time i failed,i'm sure that i will do better next time.
I had a really busy day,walk trough the park and reading some posts on AAS and eating all the cake i could find.Well,i said i had a busy day.
Still cant decide whether i should by get the p800 or the 3650 but i think that p800 is wining me over.All i need now is the CASH!