Another long day. Went to Symbian Exposium 03, where I was surprised with the amount of interest in the open source OPL press release that went out yesterday, including interest in a P800 port. Hmmm! Watched Ewan's cracking 'open-sourcing opl' presentation -- someone said that Ewan was the best presenter they'd seen all day.
Continue reading "Rick's Dev Expo Thoughts (Day 1)"This runtime is an alpha version, and although fully functional and stable, a few features you may be familiar with will only be included in a later release. For programmers who want to get started, here are some techniques you can use in your OPL application.
Continue reading "Series 60 Runtime (v0.2) Notes"The OPL Runtime (build 0.20) has been released. Here we look at what tools are available to get your OPL programs running on a Series 60 device.
Continue reading "Coding OPL for the Series 60"Looks like I'll mostly be documenting the opl-dev project stuff here. And why not, it's good to be able to write some of this stuff down.
Case Studies look at users of OPL, how they use OPL, what they think of the language and what difference it has made to their lives. To start with, we caught up with Steve Litchfield to ask him for his thoughts on OPL.
Continue reading "Steve Litchfield discusses OPL"Well by now you have the runtime installed, and no doubt have decided it's time to create that tetris/arkanoid/pong clone that you have been thinking about since you picked up the 9210. Fear not, here we are to save you tons of effort and bring a whistle stop tour to getting started.
Continue reading "Creating your first OPL application on the 92x0."For some it can't have escaped their attention that we have a link on the front page to download the OPL runtime for the 92x0. By now many people are feeling that they are missing out already on the experiences others are having by being able to run OPL applications, so heres a how to install, for those who need it.
Continue reading "Installing the OPL runtime to the 92x0."Many people are familiar with OPL, some from the Psion PDAs, others from the organisers from which the language orignated. These people both know what OPL is and what it does. Now with the movement of OPL to the new breed of Symbian devices, especially smartphones, a new group of users to learn to program and use OPL applications. This short article is to outline what OPL is for, the benefits of using it and how it can help you create apps for a smartphone.
OPL first made its appearance on the Psion Organiser II in 1984. Before OPL, all programs for Psion's machines had to be written in assembler using a PC development kit, requiring the developer to have a good, in-depth knowledge of programming.