I keep meaning to make another blog post, but I either forget, run out of time or have some other rubbish excuse. I really don't know how regular bloggers do it. Day in, day out they always seem to have something to post.
So I'm thinking that once again I'll try and start posting a bit more often. Maybe I should set myself a reminder to write something. After all it doesn't take that long to pen a paragraph. I'm thinking maybe I'll write some stuff about what it is like to run AAS (although I've been a bit busy in the real world) to any of that recently.
So the first interesting thing you might like to check out is the newly minted Symbian webring which Ewan set up after a brief discussion with me. See the homepage of the webring here. If you have a Symbian related page why not join (yes maybe I should add this blog to it)...
Posted by Rafe at March 16, 2024 12:30 PM | TrackBack