February 24, 2003

Well I reckon I've just

Well I reckon I've just had some of the worst 7 days ever. Nothing bad happened, it was just lots of work. Never seemed to stop and I just got more and more tired and then more and more grumpy. I think people around me may have noticed ;)

Anyway things are beginning too look up now and I'll hopefully be posting to this blog about my experiences with the new P800. Yes I finally have a Symbian device. Yes, yes, yes! Right got that out of my system...! First impressions. Big wow! Second impression - I need a bigger memory stick :)

It is wierd getting what you've wanted for more than 2 years...

Posted by Rafe at 11:32 PM | Comments (31) | TrackBack

February 16, 2003


Posted by Rafe at 08:15 PM | Comments (12) | TrackBack

February 15, 2003

Blah a test.

Rafe testing and testing and testing to make things work.-----------All About Symbian - Community for Symbian OS Mobile PhonesNokia 7650/3650 (Series 60) - Nokia 9210 - Sony Ericsson P800http://www.allaboutsymbian.com

Posted by Rafe at 05:13 PM | Comments (306) | TrackBack

Re: blogpost.pl

Posted by Rafe at 02:47 AM | Comments (121) | TrackBack

February 14, 2003


Posted by Rafe at 11:29 PM | Comments (109) | TrackBack


Posted by Rafe at 10:06 PM | Comments (104) | TrackBack

February 13, 2003

A new home for my blog!

So the blog gets a new home. Isn't that nice! Used as part of the test for http://www.symbiandiaries.com, which is intended to be a place for blogs of the Symbian community. Thats not to say you have ot post about Symbian stuff. As much as anything its about telling you more about some of the people who make up the community. Anyway enough on the why I guess. Hopefully this will be an exciting project, and I'll get pleasure from it just as I have from AAS. Looks like things are a growing :)

In other news the 7650 that Izzo has loaned to me is excellent, but now I want a P800 ;)

Posted by Rafe at 11:28 PM | Comments (106) | TrackBack


Testing to see if the new location works :)

Posted by Rafe at 08:51 PM | Comments (108) | TrackBack

Geography Dissy Seminar

So I've just got back my dissertation seminar where I had to talk about my offshore wind power dissertation. Its going OK, but there's still a shed load of work to do on it. Come down and find cause of a broken config the site has dissappeared (very easy to fix luckily).

Posted by Rafe at 12:22 AM | Comments (15) | TrackBack

February 11, 2003

P800 programming book

Symbian Press - Symbian OS C for Mobile Phones - This looks like it could be a very useful book for Symbian programmers and P800 programmers in particular. I'm no programmer but i'm sure these thing make it a lot easier. An exclusive for this blog. AAS gets it later.

Posted by Rafe at 06:50 PM | Comments (14) | TrackBack

February 10, 2003

My current reading

Reading: De Valera: Long Fellow, Long Shadow Ok so this is the book I'm currently reading in my spare time (ha ha) - actually I find I have to read for about 10 minutes beofe trying to go to sleep or I have the days events going round my head in my dreams (and that can be nasty!).

Actually the book is not that great. However the biography of Michael Colins by the same author is meant to be excellent so perhaps I'll get that next. De Valera is seen as a founding father of the Irish state. That's not an unfair view, but in my opinion he showed far more self-interest than some of the other figures of the time.

Collins has often come under harsh citicsm for his ruthless behaviour, violence and womanizing, but he is no more flawed than any other men. Collins wasn't popular in Ireland after his death because he was seen as the traitor who had signed the treaty with the British that agreed to partition and subsequently led to civil war. However De Valera is supposed to have famously said 'in the fullness of time, history will record the greatness of Collins, and it will be recorded at my expense'. Whatever the case Collins stock has isen in recent years and it is generally concluded that Collins was in his own way a hero for Ireland. It is arguable that it was his actions which allowed the Irish Free State to exist at all.

De Valera gets an interesting treatment in this book, perhaps it is a little harsh, but I think not. De Valera's behaviour as an Irish Nationalist should no be doubted, but as a man he perhaps was not as great as his supporters like to claim. In comparing him to Collins one might consider that De Valera lived more than 50 years after the death of Collins. One might wonder what Collins would have achieved in that time.

Posted by Rafe at 07:37 PM | Comments (16) | TrackBack

Sitting waiting for next lecture

Sitting in the geography department with about 5 minutes to go till my next lecture (historical demography) and I'm wondering what to do I know - a quick 3 miutes post to the blog to see if its still working...
Had a Oceans supervision this moning which was good (even if my essay wasn't...). Understand better than I did, but then thats the point of supervisions. For those that dont know supervisions are samll study type group of four people or less. The general pattern is to be set an esay some time previously to the agreed supervision time, and then hand in before the supervision. During the supervision as well as getting feedback you might dicuss the topic generally or other related topics. This monring ones was on the antecdent karts hypothesis for reef morphology. Right lecture now. Bye.

Posted by Rafe at 11:56 AM | Comments (15) | TrackBack

Not the first proper post

So I was all set todo my first proper post and do it about something interesting, but then I got side tracked, and strated doing various site admin stuff and look now it 1am and I want to go to bed. More work tomorrow. Arghh!

Posted by Rafe at 01:10 AM | Comments (47) | TrackBack

February 09, 2003

OK so if your interested

OK so if your interested in a Symbian chat come to #allaboutsymbian on irc.krey.net. You can use the java applet at www.allaboutsymbian.com/chat/ if you dont want to use an IRC client. Discussion revolves round Symbian stuff of course :)

Posted by Rafe at 06:33 PM | Comments (15) | TrackBack


and of course now I wondering how you edit the links, don't know yet but soon will..

Some things never change always the next thing!

Posted by Rafe at 05:34 PM | Comments (14) | TrackBack

Well this is a second test post....

This time I'm using w.blogger to do the post which seems to be a lot more efficient than using some web based system. Or at leat its less of a fiddle I suppose.

Right well I'm meandering a bit to see if increased entry length makes the template look a bit better.

Posted by Rafe at 05:32 PM | Comments (13) | TrackBack


OK so we have my very first blog entry, mainly to test if everything is working. Well looks like it is and I can now have a persoanl blog. If there's any point, which there probably isn't. Beats work though.

Posted by Rafe at 05:05 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack