Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.
Thanks to Gadget17 I've got links to the category to which the entry belongs working. See below, to the right of the permalink.
The vodoo code needed is this:
<a href="<MTEntryCategories glue=","><$MTCategoryArchiveLink$></MTEntryCategories>"><$MTEntryCategory$></a>
The first triplet of MT tags (within the HREF attribute) construct a hyperlink to the relevant category archive. The <$MTEntryCategory$>
tag shows the name of the category to which the entry belongs.
Funny how things come together. Today, I was discussing the following things IRL and on IRC:
Bottom line: there is a market for TV on both sides of the Atlantic. Who will exploit it? Or will this fill the gap?
Rightsholders in TV space are accustomed to wholesale marketing. They sell programming to networks, and the networks are in the mass market. To enable the scenarios above would entail retail marketing and pricing. Where are the new business models coming from? Or is everyone in the music, TV, and movie business more interested in protecting their profit margins than giving people what they want, and what they are prepared to pay for?
Learn about the fifteen spaces defined in Unicode at this page.