Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Saturday, 2005-05-28

Links for 2005-05-28

  • Cygwin rxvt shortcut setup Tags: customization cygwin rxvt.

Grabbed from my links.

Monday, 2005-05-23

Links for 2005-05-23

  • Tip: Prompt magic — some bash-centric prompt hacking. Tags: bash customization prompt unix.

Grabbed from my links.

Sunday, 2005-05-22

Links for 2005-05-22

  • 15 arguments against creationists Tags: evolution science.

Grabbed from my links.

Wednesday, 2005-05-18

Weird name blacklisting

Jim points out the fact that most spam is sent with strange names as senders. A glance in the gmail spam box seems to bear this out: Gonzalo, Rowland, Dewayne, Homer(!), Mario, Robbie…

How would this be implemented in a spam filter? Obviously, it’s locale-dependent. If you live somewhere where these names are common, you would have to filter on Jim, Gustaf, and Matt instead.

Swallows and Amazons, a series by Arthur Ransome

Whew! I just completed an extended trip down memory lane. I last read them in my early teens, but still remember nearly all the plots.

  • Swallows and Amazons: the first book.

  • Swallowdale: the arch-nemesis of the Amazons, the Great Aunt, makes her first appearance.

  • Peter Duck: my battered Puffin paperback was liberated from the school library in Kuala Lumpur. It’s marked


The last date is 16.10.75. As we didn’t move to KL until 1977, I’m guessing this book was sold out or given away.

  • Winter Holiday: the D’s, Dick and Dorothea, make their appearance.

  • Coot Club: a favourite.

  • Pigeon Post: a bit different from what I remember. I focused a lot more on Dick back then, guess it was identification with him.

  • We Didn’t Mean to go to Sea: a great book.

  • Secret Water. Not one of my favourites.

  • The Big Six: classic juvenile detective story

  • Missee Lee: a swashbuckling tale involving a female pirate chief with a passion for Latin. Our heroes are forced to endure that fate worse than death: lessons in the holidays. The shiftless youngest, Roger, unexpectedly shines as a Latin scholar. Mildly racist in a 30s kind of way.

  • The Picts and the Martyrs: an interesting book. The premise is that in order to be nice to Mrs. Blackett, the D’s have to be “naughty” and live in the woods, cooking their own food and generally having a typical S&A-type adventure. This is because the dreaded Great Aunt would blow up if she found them living with the Amazons. Interesting juxtaposition of morals here.

  • Great Nothern?: early eco-friendly children’s literature. The setting is in the Scottish Highlands, which lends it another flavour than the Lake District or the Broads. I thought I likes this book better than I actually did.

Thursday, 2005-05-12

Links for 2005-05-12

  • GTDTiddlyWiki - all your tasks are belong to you Tags: 43folders gtd productivity.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-05-11

  • Inside Higher Ed :: ‘Faculty Towers’ Tags: read-later.
  • VANITY FAIR : ROUNDTABLE : CONTENT Tags: blogging politics read-later.
  • A brief history of FORTRAN/Fortran Tags: fortran languages programming read-later.

Grabbed from my links.

Tuesday, 2005-05-03

Links for 2005-05-03

  • Active Directory Cookbook > Source Code — perl and VBscript recipes for AD. Tags: active-directory automation perl scripting.

Grabbed from my links.