Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about everything and nothing, or, in other words, I couldn't be bothered to find a category for them

Sunday, 2006-03-05

Lost week

For some reason I’ve had Lloyd Cole’s Lost Weekend running through my head recently. But even though I haven’t had double pneumonia in a single room I’ve still felt pretty crummy. It started last Saturday and it’s been up and down all week. I went in to work on Wednesday: big mistake, Thursday I felt like death warmed over.

Yesterday I was convinced I had step throat or avian flu or something so I ponied up the double fee for a weekend consultation, only to be informed that it’s “just a cold”. At least I got that morphine-laced cough syrup to ease my throat. Basically I try to get a receipt when I visit the doctor’s since there’s nothing wrong with me every time I go there, and I like to feel like I’m getting some value for my money.

Anyway, it feels like I’m finally getting better, which is a good thing. I really need to get back to work, my poor PFY is inundated with issues, and there a couple of surdegar (lit. sour doughs, Swedish for stuff that’s been festering for far too long) that really need to be fixed.

I also feel that there’s a bunch of stuff that’s fundamentally b0rked in our processes, but I think I’ll have to take that up via official channels instead of just venting my spleen via the internal blog (or here).

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