Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about everything and nothing, or, in other words, I couldn't be bothered to find a category for them

Sunday, 2005-11-27

Taking a “me” day

Yesterday I decided to do something about my frayed nerves and headed into town for (consumer) R&R.

I went to SF-Bokhandeln in Gamla Stan to stock up on Steven Erikson books. I just bought the first one in the Malazan series though, as I remembered that the second has a horrific battle scene at the end that I don’t really think I can handle right now.

Gamla Stan was of course packed with holiday shoppers standing around like lost sheep in the corners of the alleys, blocking the way with their umbrellas.

After that ordeal I grabbed something to eat at Söderhallarna and went to see the new Harry Potter flick on an impulse. The films are even more episodic than the books, which read as loosely coupled scenes hung together with the very thinnest of plot threads. The movies just lurch from one FX scene to another.

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