Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts on mobile communications, mobile data access, and devices

Sunday, 2005-01-16

EU carriers, wake up!

Russ is giving a talk at Web 2.0. From his post:

Not only are the numbers there (160 million Americans with mobile phones), but every American carrier has reasonably priced unlimited data plans. […] This gives the U.S. a huge advantage over other markets around the world which continue to charge by the kilobyte.

Right! The Yanks are gonna clean our clocks — again! Just because the carriers are so short-sighted that they can’t see that when it comes to mobile data, cheaper traffic means more traffic! The net is addictive, but right now everyone’s scared of the kB charges.

Make a short-term dent in your revenue, reap the benefits later. Otherwise, the US will OWN the mobile data services space.

Update: Frank agrees.

Some more opinion points:

  • Innovation and Operators
  • DoCoMo works with developers

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