Welcome to Charlietopia!
I broke down and got the Charlie, aka the Nokia 6630. I couldn’t stand Russ being the only Mobitopian with one (not counting lots of Finns who have them for evaluation), so I decided to get one too.
Telia has a deal that says you get the phone for free if you pay 100 SEK extra a month for 2 years on a UMTS contract. Telia’s the biggest carrier in Sweden, and have good coverage. The phone retails for 5,200 SEK without a contract.
I wasn’t the only one discovering that this was a pretty good deal, so the phone was a bit hard to get. The nearest store didn’t have it, but mentioned that the Kungsgatan store did. I phoned them and they said they had two left, and no way were they gonna reserve one for me. I decided to go there after work and let fate decide — no phone left, I’d give it a rest.
The store was full of Christmas shoppers (including a guy who bought a Motorola V3 Razr, and then decided not to go with his friends to the movies, instead going home to fondle his new phone…). The middle-aged man in front of me wanted to know more about the Sony-Ericsson Z1010, which is even more sold out than the 6630. My heart nearly stopped when the guy behind the counter hauled out a 6630 box and started hustling “the last one in the store”. Luckily the potential buyer was a die-hard S-E fan and left without it. I pounced on it instead.
I’ll post more soon about it. Until then, I can say that I used the Transfer app to smoothly move my data from the taco to the Charlie. Sweet!
- Rui’s 6630 resource page
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