Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Somehow it’s difficult for me to write on this blog sometimes. Part of the problem is lack of time. I have a family and a full time job. I usually compose rather nice entries when walking to the subway in the mornings, but they vanish when I arrive at work and a terminal.

Of course, I could become a T9 god and tap out screeds on my taco, but I prefer reading and listening to music when riding to work. If I’ve forgotten reading matter, I’m usually too pissed off about that to be able to write anything good anyway.

Work provides almost no convenient times for advanced composition. What free time I doi have is spent reading other peoples weblogs, which are much better than anything I could produce. So that too is a barrier.

So why have a blog then? Egoboost of course. And sometimes you write something or think about something that’s worth communicating.