Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.
A wiki as blog, very nicely done with updated internal links. Rui is a mobitopian of sorts (he hangs out in the channel sometimes). As a resident of Portugal and a telecoms insider, his views are often a contrast to wild-eyed American mobile utopians like Russ.
Of especial note right now is his list of Christmas phones.
Idle words is a very well written, funny blog.
I think I got this via Dave Winer back in the day.
Interesting approach to text-based design, using blosxom. I'm definitevely going to look closer to this site as it evolves.
Great blog, very interesting common-sense writings about the nitty-gritty of writing code. Nice design too.
Thanks Jim for the pointer to this one.