Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Friday, 2005-02-25

More on Perl

I’ve tried learning Python through Mark Pilgrim’s excellent Dive Into Python, but I’ve discovered that I haven’t enough time to really get into it. Perl is the language I use most days, both in work and personally, and it’s hard for me to break out of the Perlish mindset. Any “serious” Python coding would be sysadmin and report stuff, and I’d just try to remake Python in Perl’s image.

I’ve finally grokked Perl references, and I’m reading the second edition of the Perl Cookbook with real pleasure. Some of the quirkier passages from the first edition are gone (and Randal Schwartz seems to be persona non grata in this edition), but that’s outweighed by the treatment of Perl’s Unicode support (crufty and gnarly though it may be — the price of backward compatibility) and the new switch statement. Perl must be the only language older than 10 years where switch is an experimental feature.

Jim has apparently volunteered to become the Perl expert at his salt mine, for which he deserves equal praise for foolhardiness and pity. I think that he’ll find enough cool stuff in Perl to satisfy his C++ roots, what with all the esoterica available in the dark corners of CPAN (Acme::Bleach, anyone? Or how about Acme::Apache::Werewolf, by a hardcore Warren Zevon fan?)

I’ll never be a Perl guru, but I do think I can become a competent Perlist.

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