Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Thursday, 2006-03-09

Ubuntu installed again

I installed Ubuntu again with an eye towards using it more often for work stuff from home. So I needed Java so I could run SQuirrel to access the ‘Orrible database. Of course you have to jump through N hoops to get Sun’s JRE installed, details here. Thanks to Matt for helping me out.

Another more serious issue was the lack of any sort of inetd on the machine I was trying to migrate files from. This is also an Ubuntu machine, stock install. It happily installed proftpd and tells it to run from inetd, but the actual package is just a virtual one. I manually installed the netkit-inetd package and got FTP working. This issue looks like a bug to me.

This new machine has a higher-resolution screen, that makes Gnome much nicer to work with.

OK, enough geekery for tonight. Time for bed!

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