Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Sunday, 2024-07-18

Arvika 2024 wrapup

Whew, we’re back. Although tired and sore all over, I had a lot of fun.

Some things to think about for next time:

  • Accomodation. Face it, camping in a tent sucks. You have to be at least as pissed as everyone around you, and I’m too old for that. Some sort of better living next time.

  • Bring a friend. Even though it’s great fun to meet a lot of random people, people who attend festivals alone are weird. I’ve been too much on my own when I was younger.

  • Cooler (i.e. hipper) clothes — blend in.

  • Research. Find out more about the bands before you go.

I’m sure there’s more, I’ll update later.

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