Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Monday, 2005-09-19

Writing email messages

I had to whale on (some of) my co-workers for sending email messages with empty subjects. For my sins, I have to use Outlook, and the only feature that redeems this piece of crap is the “Conversation” grouping, which gathers messages with the same subject in one place. Of course, an empty subject is not only devoid of content, it gets stuffed into the previous conversation with empty subjects, thus getting lost in the noise.

As far as I’m concerned, you get what you deserve if you don’t write a subject — any subject. And what you deserve is that we ignore your email until you bother us about it. In which case we will honestly say that we can’t bloody find it.

But if you’re feeling chastened, get more cool email-writing tips from this entry at the 43folders blog. Lots of good stuff there.

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