JyriK's Symbian Diary
Just my thoughtsen-us2003-04-30T00:28:44+02:00Exciting times
Looks like the Symbian exposium 03 would have been a nice place to be, (hoping to go next year) but...Thoughtsjyrik2003-04-30T00:28:44+02:00It's been a while
A few weeks has passed since a last entry, been thinking about building a personal video recorder / multimedia station...Miscjyrik2003-04-28T04:26:18+02:00Wohoo
It really seems that mobimate is working on bringing WorldMate to Series60 according this interview with Ramel Levin, Director, Product...Softwarejyrik2003-04-13T17:52:43+02:00Opera 7.10 - its good for you
Opera Software is really in progress of making the best browser, for any computer platform, even better. There has been...Softwarejyrik2003-04-13T16:14:53+02:00Nothing much
A whole week has passed since last post here. But its been busy few days, have had time to browse...Thoughtsjyrik2003-04-13T15:23:34+02:00Skinning Pt.4
Finally finished the first skin for irRemote completely, I think it will be included in the next update. Now already...jyrik2003-04-05T03:04:05+02:00Still on skins
I've been really busy last few days with the irRemote skin project, it is almost finished. It has changed quite...jyrik2003-04-01T20:34:49+02:00Skinning cont.
Yesterday found out that there is more functions in the irRemote, than I knew of, and now been adding lots...jyrik2003-03-31T02:12:35+02:00First skin for irRemote
Today finally finished the first skin project for irRemote. It was really easy to design, but it was really massive...jyrik2003-03-28T23:51:54+02:00Finally got some sleep
I slept for 4h hours earlier, now just got the computer to work with the new processor. Now it feels...jyrik2003-03-24T23:02:21+02:00Blink, its morning already
And I didnt have time to update this yet. Oh well, maybe tonight then. If I can get some sleep...jyrik2003-03-24T08:08:40+02:00Working tonight
So, I've been really busy this weekend, doing some real work, for a change. Havent had time to post here...jyrik2003-03-24T03:37:21+02:00Woah
Just got the skinning "tools" for irRemote (not available, yet) from PsiLOC, and it is quite a job :D It...jyrik2003-03-21T23:19:18+02:00New strange charger
Was just browsing slashdot and came across this strange thing, SplashPad?. Really interesting idea, to charge batteries through induction. Remains...jyrik2003-03-21T18:44:18+02:00Night
Been updating a bit my comment submit page, and just now looked at the time. Now I am wondering, what...jyrik2003-03-20T02:19:27+02:00