Project Gilgamesh
an open source J2ME Spreadsheet application for the pen-based UIQ desktop based on Symbian 7.0.en-us2024-04-15T13:26:45+00:00Link: Validating the Unit Correctness of Spreadsheet Programs
Validating the Unit Correctness of Spreadsheet Programs via Lambda the Ultimate...Designosfameron2024-04-15T13:26:45+00:00More fixed point library links
Michael Zemlyanukha forwarded some more Fixed Point library links I think I haven't picked up yet: IAppli Fixed Point Math...Generalosfameron2024-03-31T10:42:00+00:00MicroCalc new version 2.0 using Lisp engine
Michael has commented that MicroCalc 2 is now out: It's now based on a Lisp engine (very interesting!) This is...Generalosfameron2024-03-31T09:04:41+00:00In brief: Eclipse J2ME development with P800 JUG progress
Too many projects competing for attention. And the Liverpool Java User Group is coming on very nicely, at the cost...osfameron2003-08-07T00:01:42+00:00In brief: new Symbian developer writeup (Dr Diego)
Dr Diego's excellent Symbian adventure. Yes, learning about Symbian and Java can be quite confusing!...Toolsetosfameron2003-08-05T12:01:24+00:00New JUG for Liverpool UK
I've been talking about setting up a Java User Group with Mark Hobson, another Liverpool Java afficionado for some months....osfameron2003-07-17T13:55:13+00:00#ifdef J2ME
Reading the source code for Simkin, I noticed some //#ifdef ... //#endif tags wrapping things that aren't supported by MIDP....Implementationosfameron2003-06-30T16:11:43+00:00More Simkin overloading.
Thinking some more about overloading: Evaluable is a bad name for the interface. I think I'll probably extract a number...Simkinosfameron2003-06-26T13:51:26+00:00More thoughts on Simkin
With the work on ranges nearing completion, and the expression order evaluator theoretically complete (if not actually implemented...) I've been...Simkinosfameron2003-06-26T01:26:30+00:00Grids and Subgrids
I've been thinking a while about Lists actually being represented as Grids which are magically embedded into the top-level Grid....Designosfameron2003-06-13T23:28:21+00:00Spreadsheets and $Horrible$Syntax
Yuk I hate this spreadsheet syntax: $A$1:$F$100 I've always hated it, and I don't want to have to use it...Designosfameron2003-06-13T23:27:38+00:00Excel's dynamic named ranges considered harmful.
Though I'm stuck in nitty-gritty implementation work, and this isn't a priority for some time yet, I thought I'd whine...Designosfameron2003-06-13T23:24:47+00:00IDEoblogy
From early on, it occurred to me that this blog could form an informal basis to documentation for the project,...Metaosfameron2003-06-13T08:43:10+00:00IntelliJ: 7 days to go
I now have use of the IntelliJ trial for another 7 days. Sadly, due to other time-commitments, this doesn't mean...Toolsetosfameron2003-06-12T14:51:13+00:00